Getting Reflective
a podcast about unlearning
“People aren’t born racist, sexist, or homophobic. They learn it. And so, we must unlearn. With this in mind, I have embarked on a lifelong journey of unlearning and relearning.”
- LB
Refers to the process of intentionally and critically analysing the ideologies presented to us our entire lives. From our family origins or tired educational systems, to the general media and wider social narratives, intentional or not, a rhetoric has been ingrained in each of us. To unlearn is to reflect with the purpose of asking: who is this serving and who is it harming, so that we can replace these harmful ideologies with better knowledge and frameworks.
a new episode, twice a month
With your host,
Lindsay Bindman
Advocate, ally; teacher, talker, traveller; listener, laugher, lover; student, sailor, and more.
Do you have an idea for a topic to cover, an overall theme, or special guest?
Share as few or as many as you please. It can be broad or oddly specific.